Chargepoint Stock Price Prediction (2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029, 2030) ChargePoint Holdings Inc Fundamentals, Businesses and more.
If you are looking for ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction than you are at the right place.
If you want to invest in ChargePoint Holdings stock or already invested in this stocks than this article is going to be very informative for you. So, If you also do not know whether ChargePoint is a Good Stock to Buy, then read this post till the end.
ChargePoint is a penny stock with bad fundamentals and financial trends. But many investors are willing to invest in this stock. That’s why in this post we will do detail analysis of ChargePoint Stock, so let’s get started.
Table of Contents
ToggleAbout ChargePoint Holdings Inc
ChargePoint Holdings Inc, is a pioneering company at the forefront of the electric vehicle (EV) revolution. The company is Founded in 2007 and headquartered in California, USA.
ChargePoint is a leading provider of electric vehicle charging solutions. With a mission to accelerate the adoption of electric mobility, The company operates the world’s largest electric vehicle charging network.
ChargePoint has been instrumental in building the infrastructure needed to support the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. They offer a comprehensive range of charging solutions for both residential and commercial use which is catering to the needs of individual, businesses EV owners and fleet operators.
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ChargePoint Fundamentals
Market Cap. | $2.94B |
P/E ratio | -8.8 |
ROE | -89% |
EPS | -1.02 |
Book Value | 1.05 |
Dividend Yield | NA |
Debt To Equity | 0.818% |
ChargePoint Financial Trends
If we talk about the Revenue and Profit of ChargePoint then –
There was a revenue of $0 Million in 2021 and a profit of $-4.99 Million . In the same 2022, there was a profit of $-132 Million with a revenue of $241 Million. And this year i.e. in 2023 there has been a profit of $-345 Million with a revenue of $468 Million.
ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction Table
Year | Highest Price | Average Price | Lowest Price |
ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2023 | $9.00 | $8.66 | $7.99 |
ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2024 | $9.72 | $9.01 | $7.67 |
ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2025 | $10.49 | $9.37 | $7.24 |
ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2026 | $11.33 | $9.74 | $7.38 |
ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2027 | $12.24 | $10.13 | $7.53 |
ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2028 | $13.22 | $10.54 | $7.68 |
ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2029 | $14.28 | $10.96 | $7.84 |
ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2030 | $15.42 | $11.40 | $7.99 |
For more details about the ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction of its stock analysis, you can watch this video –
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ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2023
Stock has given returns of -37% in last one year and -27% in last 6 months. Due to the past poor performance of the stock, it is being speculated that there will be very less returns this year, Or we can get negative returns.
Experts are predicting that the average stock price can be $8.66, And the highest and lowest ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2023 will be $9 and $7.99 respectively.
ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2024
Stock has given returns of -15.40% from Sep 2019 to Jul 2023, Means returns of around -3.75 have been given every year. So, Analyst are predicting that the stock can give almost similar returns till 2024.
If the company performs in a slight uptrend, we can see a high of $9.73 and a low of $7.67. As well as the average ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2024 price can be $$9.01, which is decent returns for investors.
ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2025
As we can see, currently the fundamentals and financial of ChargePoint are very weak. The ROE is -89% while it’s EPS is -1.02 and P/E ratio is -8.8, which is considered very bad. Looking at its financial, the company is making losses every year, Even in 2023, its already does loss of $-345 Million.
Due to poor fundamentals and financials, we may see very low returns. But by analyzing the historical data, ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2025 has been extracted, that is the highest price can be $10.49 while average and lowest price can be $9.37 and $7.24 respectively.
ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2030
As the demand for electric vehicles increases, the demand for charging points will also increase. And as Chargepoint Holdings maintains over 30 thousand charging points in the United States and continues to expand, By looking at this, it can be guessed that it will have a very good profit in the future.
So keeping the current market conditions aside, ChargePoint Stock Price Prediction 2030 can be $11.40, In which the highest and lowest price can be $15.52 and $7.99.
The price prediction of ChargePoint that is being told on the basis of technical analysis and its technical time keeps on changing from time to time. That’s why this price prediction of ChargePoint is not accurate, if you invest in it, do it on the basis of your research and never invest due to greed.
I have written this post i.e. ChargePoint Stock Prediction 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2030 on the request of you guys, so if you also want to know about any other stock, then you can comment. We will definitely discuss about that in the upcoming post. If you have any questions regarding this than you can comment below, we will definitely try to reply you best.
Why is ChargePoint stock dropping?
The biggest reason for the fall in ChargePoint Holdings stock could be that it is not able to reduce its debt. Due to this, its fundamentals are getting badly affected due to which investors are withdrawing their money from this investment.
What is the ChargePoint Stock Forecast for 2023?
According to our forecast, ChargePoint stock price in 2023 can be around $8.66 – $9.
What is the ChargePoint Stock Forecast for 2040?
According to our forecast, ChargePoint stock price in 2040 can be around $30 – $35.
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